  • Software issues

    We are currently experiencing software issues that are preventing us from sending out quotes and order confirmations. We are working to rectify this as a matter of urgency.

  • Worldwide PVC resin shortage forces price increase

    Due to unprecedented worldwide shortages of PVC resin we have received notification of a further price increase of 7.5% from Rehau.

  • Delays to UK imports

    We are experiencing unavoidable delays on many DoorCo Slabs. In part, this is a ‘knock on’ effect of the recent blockage in the Suez Canal, coupled with high demand within the industry.

  • Delays to UK imports

    Reduced staffing, COVID restrictions and container space being at a premium are just some of the challenges the ports are facing in a perfect storm of issues.

  • A brand new bead saw at Iceni
    The first DigiBS bead saw in the UK We are proud to unveil a brand new DigiBS bead saw installed at Iceni Windows! This machine installation is the first of many upgrades you will see over the coming weeks. We have been making big improvements behind the scenes at Iceni windows to our products, processes